Quick Start in Python

GWAS with Linear Mixed Model

We here show how to run structLMM and alternative linear mixed models implementations in Python.

import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sp
from limix_core.util.preprocess import gaussianize
from limix_core.gp import GP2KronSumLR
from limix_core.covar import FreeFormCov
from limix_lmm import LMM
from limix_lmm import download, unzip
from pandas_plink import read_plink
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
import geno_sugar as gs
import geno_sugar.preprocess as prep

# Download and unzip the dataset files

# import genotype file
bedfile = "data_structlmm/chrom22_subsample20_maf0.10"
(bim, fam, G) = read_plink(bedfile, verbose=False)

# subsample snps
Isnp = gs.is_in(bim, ("22", 17500000, 18000000))
G, bim = gs.snp_query(G, bim, Isnp)

# load phenotype file
phenofile = "data_structlmm/expr.csv"
dfp = pd.read_csv(phenofile, index_col=0)
pheno = gaussianize(dfp.loc["gene1"].values[:, None])

# mean as fixed effect
covs = sp.ones((pheno.shape[0], 1))

# fit null model
wfile = "data_structlmm/env.txt"
W = sp.loadtxt(wfile)
W = W[:, W.std(0) > 0]
W -= W.mean(0)
W /= W.std(0)
W /= sp.sqrt(W.shape[1])

# larn a covariance on the null model
gp = GP2KronSumLR(Y=pheno, Cn=FreeFormCov(1), G=W, F=covs, A=sp.ones((1, 1)))
gp.covar.Cr.setCovariance(0.5 * sp.ones((1, 1)))
gp.covar.Cn.setCovariance(0.5 * sp.ones((1, 1)))
info_opt = gp.optimize(verbose=False)

# define lmm
lmm = LMM(pheno, covs, gp.covar.solve)

# define geno preprocessing function
imputer = SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy="mean")
preprocess = prep.compose(

# loop on geno
res = []
queue = gs.GenoQueue(G, bim, batch_size=200, preprocess=preprocess)
for _G, _bim in queue:
    pv = lmm.getPv()
    beta = lmm.getBetaSNP()
    _bim = _bim.assign(lmm_pv=pd.Series(pv, index=_bim.index))
    _bim = _bim.assign(lmm_beta=pd.Series(beta, index=_bim.index))

res = pd.concat(res)
res.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)

# export
print("Exporting to out/")
if not os.path.exists("out"):
res.to_csv("out/res_lmm.csv", index=False)
.. read 200 / 994 variants (20.12%)
.. read 400 / 994 variants (40.24%)
.. read 600 / 994 variants (60.36%)
.. read 800 / 994 variants (80.48%)
.. read 994 / 994 variants (100.00%)
Exporting to out/

Multi-trait Linear Mixed Model (MTLMM)

import scipy as sp
import scipy.linalg as la
from limix_core.gp import GP2KronSum
from limix_core.covar import FreeFormCov

def generate_data(N, P, K, S):
    import scipy as sp

    # fixed eff
    F = sp.randn(N, K)
    B0 = 2 * (sp.arange(0, K * P) % 2) - 1.0
    B0 = sp.reshape(B0, (K, P))
    FB = sp.dot(F, B0)

    # gerenrate phenos
    h2 = sp.linspace(0.1, 0.5, P)

    # generate data
    G = 1.0 * (sp.rand(N, S) < 0.2)
    G -= G.mean(0)
    G /= G.std(0)
    G /= sp.sqrt(G.shape[1])
    Wg = sp.randn(P, P)
    Wn = sp.randn(P, P)

    B = sp.randn(G.shape[1], Wg.shape[1])
    Yg = G.dot(B).dot(Wg.T)
    Yg -= Yg.mean(0)
    Yg *= sp.sqrt(h2 / Yg.var(0))
    Cg0 = sp.cov(Yg.T)

    B = sp.randn(G.shape[0], Wg.shape[1])
    Yn = B.dot(Wn.T)
    Yn -= Yn.mean(0)
    Yn *= sp.sqrt((1 - h2) / Yn.var(0))
    Cn0 = sp.cov(Yn.T)

    Y = FB + Yg + Yn

    return Y, F, G, B0, Cg0, Cn0

N = 1000
P = 4
K = 2
S = 500
Y, F, G, B0, Cg0, Cn0 = generate_data(N, P, K, S)

# compute eigenvalue decomp of RRM
R = sp.dot(G, G.T)
R /= R.diagonal().mean()
R += 1e-4 * sp.eye(R.shape[0])
Sr, Ur = la.eigh(R)

# fit null model
Cg = FreeFormCov(Y.shape[1])
Cn = FreeFormCov(Y.shape[1])
gp = GP2KronSum(Y=Y, S_R=Sr, U_R=Ur, Cg=Cg, Cn=Cn, F=F, A=sp.eye(P))
gp.covar.Cg.setCovariance(0.5 * sp.cov(Y.T))
gp.covar.Cn.setCovariance(0.5 * sp.cov(Y.T))

# run MTLMM
from limix_lmm import MTLMM
mtlmm = MTLMM(Y, F=F, A=sp.eye(P), Asnp=sp.eye(P), covar=gp.covar)
pv = mtlmm.getPv()
B = mtlmm.getBetaSNP()
Marginal likelihood optimization.
    ('Converged:', True)
    Time elapsed: 2.22 s
    Log Marginal Likelihood: 1387.3330379.
    Gradient norm: 0.0000970.

A full description of all methods can be found in Public Interface.